Deathspell Letra



Letra de Deathspell
Hear the voices of my vengeance
Smash the stillness of the air
and stand as Monoliths of Wrath

I am become a monstrous
Machine of Annihilation
To those who would detain me!

In coldest nights your fate I seal
Thorns on your way, to justice kneel

Messenger of Doom now come
Pierce their lungs with stings of venom
Reveal my Wrath and punish them for treachery

Come forth in the name of Abaddon
Bring storms and clouds of death
The sounds of screams and pain

The psychological vortex of a spell engulfs the mind and senses
Amongst the Winds the wizard calls for Justice
The watery substance of reality changing for the victim
Small coincidences, inconveniences, growing pain... the weapons of the demon.
Invisible dagger rips through your mind, crippled and seeking the peace of death...
You crossed me!

Stings of scorpions - pierce your heart
Waves of nightmares - Witches's Art
Soul filtered through the Prism - brief light of a falling star
Broken is your circle - Long lives the King!