Letra de Beaver Patrol
My favorite way of getting kicks

go downtown and hustle chicks

beaver patrol

I drive a Rolls Royce limousine

the girls all groove on my machine

beaver patrol

cruise all the drive-ins in this town

not once has a girl ever shot me down

beaver patrol

I got one good thing that's on my side

and that's a big bad car that's out of sight

beaver patrol

I pull in the drive-in

I shut off the key

I point to the chick that wants to sit by me

I say hello darling

what's your name

I say to myself

I'm glad I came

you see I'm trying to make her happy with

all my might

say all you gotta do honey

make me feel all right

Beaver patrol

I love that beaver now

beaver patrol

give me more of that beaver

beaver patrol

I love it love it love it

beaver patrol

The beaver patrol gets lots of action

all do love that satisfaction

in this game you don't need muscle

all I gotta do is learn to hustle

that beaver