Letra de Sugar Rush
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Sugar Rush Venior – copertina
Sugar Rush
Ultima modifica il7 ottobre 2015

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Sugar Rush Venior – copertina
Sugar Rush
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I don't know you
Do I know you
Think I saw you
Do I want you
I don't want you
Hashtag glorified douchebag
Don't know why
But you give me a hint of ADD
Can see clearly
When you're near me
When you're near me
I like the way, like, like the way
Like the way you annoy me
I like the way, like, like the way
Like the way you destroy me
Sugar Rush
From the tip of my tongue
To the soles of my feet
Is bitter sweet
Let the smoke fill my lungs
Bring the taste of the heat
Give me all
Give me more, more, more
Than I can handle
Sugar Rush
From the soles of my feet
To the tip of my tongue
You're my Sugar Rush
You're my Sugar Rush
You're my sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar rush
You're my sugar rush
I can't get enough
You're my sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar rush
Is it over?
When it´s over
In the shower
Think it over
Starting over
In the morning
Cut to the chase
It's like a turtle race
I'm the rabbit you're the cake
I'm the rabbit you're the (pause) cake
I like the way, like, like the way
Like the way you annoy me
I like the way, like, like the way
I like the way you destroy me
Sugar Rush
From the tip of my tongue
To the soles of my feet
It's bitter sweet
Let the smoke fill my lungs
Bring the taste of the heat
Give me all
Give me more, more, more
Than I can handle
Sugar Rush
From the soles of my feet
To the tip of my tongue
You're my Sugar Rush

You're my Sugar Rush
You're my sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar rush
You're my sugar rush
I can't get enough
You're my sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar rush
Do I know you
Think it over
When it's over
Do I want you
Think I want you
Is it over
I don't know you
Starting over
Sugar Rush
From the tip of my tongue
To the soles of my feet
It's bitter sweet
Let the smoke fill my lungs
Bring the taste of the heat
Give me all
Give me more, more, more
Than I can handle
Sugar Rush
From the soles of my feet
To the tip of my tongue
I like the way, like, like the way
Like the way you annoy me
I like the way, like, like the way
I like the way you destroy me
I like the way, like, like the way
Like the way you annoy me
Sugar Rush
From the soles of my feet
To the tip of my tongue