The Men With The Fighting Souls Letra

Random Task Collective

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Letra de The Men With The Fighting Souls
Where a man once stood
There is a lowly shell
His spirit once soared high
But now is trapped in hell
With no one to turn to
He will be swallowed whole
Within the very darkness
That now consumes his soul

There is little hope for the people of today
But with our guidence you will say

We shine a light where the darkness flows
We dare to go where no one knows
We are the men with the fighting souls
We are the men with the fighting souls
We cast a spell when the sorrow shows
We lift you up from the great below
We are the men with the fighting souls
We are the men with the fighting souls

Once his life was bright
His heart was clean and pure
But now a slave to tragedy
his future's not so sure
Beaten bruised and broken
A spark begins to surge
Reality comes rushing back
The darkness will be purged

There is little hope for the people of today
But with our guidence you will say

We shine a light where the darkness flows
We dare to go where no one knows
We are the men with the fighting souls
We are the men with the fighting souls
We cast a spell when the sorrow shows
We lift you up from the great below
We are the men with the fighting souls
We are the men with the fighting souls

The shackles are broken
His purpose is clear
His doubt is extinguished
His rapture is near
He tears through the darkness
The shell starts to crack
His soul starts to brighten
He starts comming back

He is now aware
Of the harm he has caused
To the people he loved
Who loved him without pause
He will now redeam
For the sins he has made
No longer a puppet
He lives for today

We shine a light where the darkness flows
We dare to go where no one knows
We are the men with the fighting souls
We are the men with the fighting souls
We cast a spell when the sorrow shows
We lift you up from the great below
We are the men with the fighting souls
We are the men with the fighting souls