Letra de Time
Looking at the city, in all its nakedness. Thinking what a pity. Thinking what a mess. Stood by dirty waters. Lapping up the shore. Wondering what eternity, has got me marked down for. (CHORUS) Time is running out. Time is running out. See the broken soldiers, lying on the beach. Spirits torn and shattered, cause Heaven?s out of reach. Little children crying hunger in their head. Mother nature sits and stares surrounded by her dead. (CHORUS) Time is running out. Time is running out. Let's take those nice green fields and build some parking lots. Give out lots of Green-Shield and plastic baby cots. Cut down on your overheads by turning to computers. And give out lots tickets for those cardboard cut-out commuters. (CHORUS) Time is running out. Time is running out. Oh what will you do When time runs out on you. (CHORUS) Time is running out. Time is running out.