Someone Ate Jelly Letra


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Letra de Someone Ate Jelly
And its hard to draw the Past Tense
Its even harder to pretend we can
To utter a phrase about what went on yesterday
Only means you can't predict the future.

Sometimes we spit when we speak,
and Sometimes our breath is unbearable,
and Sometimes people want to listen but they dont.

Stop pretending semantics can't take us places,
it always depends on the language we use,
they allow for such beautiful things,
like the commentary that serves as the backdrop when we interact.

Why do we share things with others?
To offer ideas or to hear ourselves talk?
Why do we travel through drawings of the past?
To offer a means or to see ourselves walk?
Why do we give others reward?
To help those in aid or for Self Love?
Why do we insist on wealth?
To be comfortably paid or to show it all off?

True difficulty lies in drawing the Past Tense.