Goodbye Yesterday Letra


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Letra de Goodbye Yesterday

They don't tell you when they write their songs

That with love so much else comes along

I've never flown through so many different feelings

But why the fuck do I feel like it's killing me

All I want is to ride off into the sun

Of the billion people on Earth, you're the only one

So why can't we just eliminate before us

I guess that's the cue to skip to the chorus

Goodbye Yesterday

Here's to better days

All that matters is me and you

The jealous boyfriend bit is through

We talk about the past and I don't know why

My stomach turns in knots when I hear of other guys

I know that it's silly, when we're committed to forever

We both would never do anything that would sever

Since I'm yours and you are mine, no secrets could exist

Just some thoughts of the past make me wanna pound my fist

But I'll cease the immaturity, didn't live a life of purity

I have no reason to be jealous

When I'm the choice of all the fellas to be your man

Copyright 2002 Beau Phillips