An Idle Day & Gossip Letra


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Letra de An Idle Day & Gossip
Azra - (Anali, 1995) - An idle day & gossip did you feel me in yourself or was your tought to blind me I've given you a silver ring cause diamond makes me angry an idle day & gossip to make distinction clearly I shall do whatever sometimes gaffe it's not so hard I won't play to your lovely proceedings so pardon me now I have found myself down at the underground what a hard year this will be it would take too long to explain here but broadly speaking the magic just dissapeared is there little of the melancholy around you I don't know and I don't care but will you command with my private lessons till the very end we shall see anyway go then and try to delight me my lady I'm simply the taste of my own go then and try to amuse me my lady I'm and idle man a gossiping friend