Letra de Beldame Bedlam
Stop! It's raining outside, puddles splash on empty sidewalks.
You'd never catch a cold in that dress, you can see through.
It talks, you know what the men say when they walk along with you.
You cannot be so tempting.

Please, please! Stand in line, take your spot; take your pick.
Needless to say, you've a thousand options.
Intoxication is best fit for this, for both of us.
It might stop your thinking of what you just did.
Do you get it?

Defective little brains are swimming in perfume.
Sweat droplets on your table, do you contemplate this?
It's scary to think of the potential you have.
You've got some looks, we've got it bad for you.
Spike up the testosterone, it's a way to distract us.

You're a beauty beldame, we see.
Made a bedlam out of us, we're such subsidiary examples.
Let's please you, let's seethe you.
A little touch, give just a bit more.
You're not quite an angel, not quite a whore.

Just give us a bit more.
We'd listen if you'd keep up.
We'll carve down your plastic.
Just a bare olive branch,
voluptuous hips, hand in hand.
Stop playing stupid!