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i LiE iN BEd drEAMinG LETtinG mY MInd ruN fREe
aSkiNg qUEStiOns to whIch thErE aRe nO aNsWers
cOULd you LoVe mE My MInD sTArtS ruNNiN awAy
aSkiNg qUEStiOns to whIch thErE aRe nO aNsWers
cOULd you LoVe mE My MInD sTArtS ruNNiN awAy
yOu and i cOuLD iT evER bE AGAin
thEn mY whOLe woRld juST fAdeS to MeLeNChOLY
eVerYTHiNG i SEe juST fADeS to ThIs GrEY
EverYthInG i wAnT sLoWLy stArtS to SliP aWay
eVerYthiNg I aM is FadiN fAst
iM ASkIn quEStIONs thAt yOU dOnT wAnT To ansWeR
do YoU loVe hIm cOULd yOu LoVe Me AGAin
I kNoW thE aNSwEr iTs thE aNSWeR i DoNT waNnA hEar
I TrY TO hiDe mY paIn, i TrY to hIDE mY tEArs
thEn mY whOLe woRld juST fAdeS to MeLeNChOLY
eVerYTHiNG i SEe juST fADeS to ThIs GrEY
EverYthInG i wAnT sLoWLy stArtS to SliP aWay
eVerYthiNg I aM is FadiN fAst
i CAnT aLWaYs bE StRonG yOu CaNt aLwaYs kNoW aLL thE answers
I cAn nEVeR bReAK thRouGH anD yOu wILL aLWAyS LoVE him.
thEn mY whOLe woRld juST fAdeS to MeLeNChOLY
eVerYTHiNG i SEe juST fADeS to ThIs GrEY
EverYthInG i wAnT sLoWLy stArtS to SliP aWay
eVerYthiNg I aM is FadiN fAst
thEn mY whOLe woRld juST fAdeS to MeLeNChOLY
eVerYTHiNG i SEe juST fADeS to ThIs GrEY
EverYthInG i wAnT sLoWLy stArtS to SliP aWay
eVerYthiNg I aM is FadiN fAst
iM ASkIn quEStIONs thAt yOU dOnT wAnT To ansWeR
do YoU loVe hIm cOULd yOu LoVe Me AGAin
I kNoW thE aNSwEr iTs thE aNSWeR i DoNT waNnA hEar
I TrY TO hiDe mY paIn, i TrY to hIDE mY tEArs
thEn mY whOLe woRld juST fAdeS to MeLeNChOLY
eVerYTHiNG i SEe juST fADeS to ThIs GrEY
EverYthInG i wAnT sLoWLy stArtS to SliP aWay
eVerYthiNg I aM is FadiN fAst
i CAnT aLWaYs bE StRonG yOu CaNt aLwaYs kNoW aLL thE answers
I cAn nEVeR bReAK thRouGH anD yOu wILL aLWAyS LoVE him.
thEn mY whOLe woRld juST fAdeS to MeLeNChOLY
eVerYTHiNG i SEe juST fADeS to ThIs GrEY
EverYthInG i wAnT sLoWLy stArtS to SliP aWay
eVerYthiNg I aM is FadiN fAst
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