Abigail's Ghost

Annie Enemy
Burned the photographsStarted walking away from the yesteryearMistress bound and gaggedDecorating the tiles with a rosy smearOne sweet momentTabs to tranquilizeReason taking its toll on a nervous fearBroken champagne glassHere's to whispering lies in her severed earOne sweet moment in crimeRetributionGetting thorazineIntravenouslyMove around unseenPseudonymityPut the past to bedNew identityAnd all the papers read“Annie Enemy”Sealed his lips in waxWith the bride and the groom from their wedding cakeA man so scared of truthWould only lie at the floor of a nearby lakeLeft a calling cardHeld in place on the wall with a splintered boneAny time she likesShe can watch them again on her camera phone From Letras Mania