
Archaic Halos
Mendacious hegemony through the multiplicity Of a hallucination concealed beneath sublime pageantry In order to subordinate those "Who believe but have not seen" It's not necessary to understand it's enough to adore the Penetralia The elated domination of the hybrid effigy of proliferated reverence Peremptory is inherent in the threnody Elaborate endeavor to weaken the evolution to enhancement Conditioning the future through patterns of dominant conformity Opposition creates violence out of proportion to the magnitude of the cause "The sufferings are not to be compared With the glory which shall be revealed" An exaltation paradox leading to cognitive dissonance and abasement Man cannot perceive that which man doesn't posses the ability to see Anthropocentricity represents the infallible limits of the unattainable Through pity that drains upon strength suffering is made contagious A transvaluation of values as the essence of the Peccatum Originale Patterns of dominant conformity The foundation for renewal of a grand magnificent new world "Therefore if thou shalt confess with thy mouth And believe in thine heart: thou shalt be saved For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness And with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" From Letras Mania