
Strap me, plague me, would you grip me? Deprecation, insurrection Still feel alive I'm confident Yearning to cast you down Still feel abused I'm evident to deviate from laws Still interdicted from rivalry, still got the noxious flam Personalized monstrosities Into the world of damn Corpulent prolixity Sloppy turbid shame Pitiable tenacity Unresponsive vane The lackluster zest has rubberized the rest Carrion's serenity Tawny pallor Rack me, fold me, could you hasp me? Overanxious invocation Still feel alive I'm confident, unbearable and extreme Still contradict I'm insolent in desecration of trim I stigmatize, notorious, gonna dispatch my wounds Still outstay I'm glorious, a contumacious coon Aaahhh From Letras Mania