
As the sound of jealousy runs through my pores. What I would do to be in your shoes. These dreams don't seem to be fading any time soon. These dreams don't seem to be fading any time soon.soon.soon. I hope you can hear my heart break. I am an acquired taste. I tend to get in my own way. and you know what they say... "Beauty is only a light switch away." I am an acquired taste. I tend to get in my own way. and you know what they say... "Beauty is only a light switch away." Whatever floats your boat, come on baby. Your going to be the one that sinks. Whatever floats your boat, come on baby. Your going to be the one that sinks. I hope you can hear my heart break and shatter. While the sound of jealousy echo's in my mind. These dreams don't seem to be fading anytime soon. This world can't bring me to my knees when it's already fucking dead fucking dead fucking dead fucking dead to me. This world can't bring me to my knees when it's already fucking dead fucking dead fucking dead to me. As the sound of jealousy runs through my pores. What I would do to be in your shoes From Letras Mania