
Taking Boy
Here's to the grass that grows through the cracks of the pavement on the street find the weakness and defeat the concete this is your'e mother calling, who you've abused and uprooted chopped down, bruised, polluted, and used any way you've suited you know that book where that Tree gives that spoiled little kid damn near everything he needs limbs, branches, and leaves while i'm hear to decree now, that that Tree is me but now I'm only just a stump! this self fulfilling Profit Margin got no way to stop enlarging Monkeys will piss in the well where they get there drinking water from and not even notice the smell... you say you wanna save the planet but you know you're Mother's planned it so that She's not the one who needs saving so good luck with all of your paving but you know that youi'll be sorry when I'm... Letras de cancionesgone just like that little punk who cut down my trunk and carved me up and sailed away that day i admit i really wish he sunk cuz don't forget in the end like destiny he sat his ass on what was left of me and sailed off int a strip mall sea thinking, "Now where are my children gonna play?" so here's to the grass tha's growing throught the cracks and claim in the name of the Mother the other side is fighting back here's to the grass that's pushing up high in that pace we used to call outside you say you wanna save the planet but you know you're Mother's planned it so that She's not the one who needs saving so good luck with all of your paving but you know that youi'll be sorry when I'm... From Letras Mania