
Fry's Opera
[orphanarium guy] Who is this one eyed female baby Moses? With courage in her female baby smile [orphans] A saviour from the stars? Or something stranger still? [baby Leela] Or just a lonely filthy starving child? ... [Bender] Leela, Leela, Leela save him Save Fry, save Fry Godzilla, will devour him As for me I must be off to have my doctor check this cough Goodbye ... [Fry] To win Leela's heart with the holophoners art I need hand of transcendental quickness [Robot Devil] Well I don't see any danger Letras de cancionesIn gambling with a stranger For my head is of a most amazing thickness I'm stupid, I'm stupid I'm stupider than you in every way! ... [real Fry] Look what do you want? [real Robot Devil] I want my hands back! [real Fry] Never! A deal's a deal Even with a dirty dealer [real Robot Devil] Very well Then I'll take what I want from Leela Leela has promised me her hand [real Leela] Fry, you do not understand I should have revealed I'd been deafened by Bender The shame, the shame! But I feared you'd stop writing this musical splendour Deception's the curse of my whimsical gender He gave me mechanical ears Effective though just a bit garish In return without shedding a tear I agreed That I'd give him my hand [real Robot Devil] In marriage [real Leela] What? [real Robot Devil] You'll give me your hand in marriage! [Hermes in audience] Is this really happening or just being staged [Professor in audience] It can't be real [Amy in audience] Not if Leela is engaged [real Leela on stage] That isn't what I meant That isn't what I signed [real Robot Devil] You should have checked the wording in the fine... ... Print [real Leela] I'll give you my hand [both] In marriage [real Bender in audience] The use of words expressing something other than their literal intention Now that is irony [real Robot Devil] I will marry her now and confine her to hell How droll How droll! Where Styx is a river and not just a band Though they'll play our reception if all goes as planned Unless Fry, you surrender my hands! [real Fry] Destiny has cheated me By forcing me to decide upon The woman that I idolise Or the hands of an automaton Without these hands I can't complete The opera that was captivating her But if I keep them, and she marries him Then he probably won't want me dating her ... [Professor in audience] I can't believe the Devil is so unforgiving [Zoidberg in audience] I can't believe everybody's just adlibbing [robot priest] By the power vested in me by the state of New New York [real Fry] No! Stop! Take my hands! You evil metal dork! ... From Letras Mania