
Virgin Blood Spiller
red is the colour of virgin blood so pure for this mind's fire there's only one sure cure thirst for maid's liquid of life can be stopped by following act take your sharpest dagger or knife open her veins to drink her blood take your sharpest dagger or knife open her veins to drink her blood to help your thirst; virgin will be slain spill her blood make her suffer slay, stab, impale and kill execute your deepest will slay, stab, impale and kill kill, kill, kill, kill virgin blood spiller the most evil sinner virgin blood spiller slayer by my own nature slay, stab, impale and kill execute your deepest will Letras de cancionesslay, stab, impale and kill kill, kill, kill, kill ritualistic slaughter cutting her veins, making to bleed slaying an innocent daughter kill her to drink before it's too late slay, stab, impale and kill execute your deepest will slay, stab, impale and kill kill, kill, kill, kill virgin blood spiller the most evil sinner virgin blood spiller slayer by my own nature slay, stab, impale and kill execute your deepest will slay, stab, impale and kill kill, kill, kill, kill, kill! From Letras Mania