Tom Frampton

Guatemalan Rain
With a pack on my back I watch the kids stack freshly picked coffee in sixty pound stacks just to make a little money to take back to their shacks Since the day they were born they've been under attack With flies in her eyes she looks to the skies where Jesus is waiting for her when she dies, or is that just the bossman wearing a disguise She better muffle her cries if she wants to see paradise What goes around comes back again Tell me who's really winning in the end my friend and the sound of Guatemalan rain beats on our rooftops to the same refrain Boss finds his way here maybe two times a year and he swims in his pool and he drinks his German beer And he tells all the families they've got nothing to fear, even though he knows he's selling the finca next year And the tourists will come and they'll drink the cheap rum and sing song about the mountains and they'll soak up the sun They won't think too hard about the men with their guns And when the night falls to our hotels they'll run What goes around comes back again Tell me who's really winning in the end my friend and the sound of Guatemalan rain beats on our rooftops to the same refrain With muscles of rust he rides home on the bus and remembers a day when his land was more just Before the green money came well it howled and it cussed and you can't sing a song with your mouth full of dust What goes around comes back again Tell me who's really winning in the end my friend and the sound of Guatemalan rain beats on our rooftops to the same refrain From Letras Mania