Nobody Knew

Losing Interest
it started off as something new just met lost my breath though i barely knew you and i'm sad to say that i still do i wanna talk i wanna laugh please tell me everything please tell me what it is that you're thinking maybe it's too obvious guess it's hard to open up and to give it my best i feel this because you're losing interest i'll wait for summer days and the moonlight rays when the time will be just right i hope i won't see fade that beautiful smile that you made i'll make you talk i'll make you laugh i'll do anything just please tell me what it is that you're thinking but until that day please don't walk away no i'll show you everything just let me in let it begin and then when you listen you'll hear nothing and that's ok because there'll be nothing left to say do you hear me? good cause i've said all there is to be said From Letras Mania