Dream Come True
I feel like I've known you forever though we still haven' met--But when we do I'll tell you I love you forever--And I'll never let you forget-- I know you're beautiful though I've never seen your face but I don't really have to--Cuz I know you're perfect cuz God created you for me to make my dreams come true. As I close my eyes to sleep the thoughts of angels flood my dreams--But one stands out above all the rest and I know she's the one for me. CHORUS/As you close your eyes to sleep don't fear those dreams won't come true and know that somewhere Tonight I'll be Dreaming of you. I know now you're in everyone of my dreams and everyone of my prayers--I'm not worried about being lonely in the future cuz I know that You'll be there--And I know that there's no way that my life could be complete without you standing next to me-- and when he says its time I'll take your hand inside of mine and know there's nothing missing.. So I wait for you today--When all I see is a perfect thought--And I know that someday I'll see a perfect gift from a perfect God/CHORUS And one day the hand that gives all gifts to me will give me you--and I'll say praise be to the creator maker of my dream come true./CHORUS
From Letras Mania