
Clock rolls, sun shines, Another day has come Fork in hand, nothing else, Somebody's on the street It's so hard to make it easier When no one gives a shit... Brain wash, fade to black Nothing's real anymore One way, fast lane, Ticket to nowhere Leading him in a black hole Nothing can hold im back Where did they all go, The people that we all cheered for It's another story of make believe Yes indeed... And we belive it all ! Witness, car key's Gun shots heard Sirens, head lights, Send me a postcard soon He should have opened is book He's now back to square one Milkman knocks, dog barks, But nobody's here anymore T.V. on, meal is served, The candle's on the table Her doll cries cauz she misses her His baseball bat lays there untouched We believe it all, Oh yeah we believe it all Everything you say Is nothing but a fucking fake... From Letras Mania