
I dreamt dreams, holy things they were Visions wherein all the future was laid out. I'm the one, the one they placed on the throne of night. Under the moonswept skies of the surface So long ago... I'm your captor, prophet king of an elder age Who has returned in fulfillment of the prophecy. For did not the Holy One banish me? Punished for the greatness of my vision? The long wait is ending, Soon we will have our vengeance. Destiny has prepared us a destiny, Achieved with the death of the heir of God. I'm your captor, prophet king of an elder age Under the nightswept skies of the surface. I ascend the throne of the night again Under the nightswept skies of the surface. Where before there was silence The shadows are now filled. Filled with the sound of sharpened claws. Captured with the piercing toneless song. From Letras Mania