
Where the clouds are like the birds and the mountains are high Two millennium long lives and old human tribe. No one of tribal folk wished to go down the road And all the new things htet were brought were an awful load. They had a leader and severy laws Which everyone obeyed with horror. The nature gave them many gods And all of them brought only sorrow. For many years rained sacred paradise And generation changed the generation But once in mountains a stranger rised As beautiful mysterious creation. He told term if they leave there duty They would discover just another world Where passion rains with the help of beauty Where there is no killing pain and cold. He also added to that people main That Gods are the phantoms that don't exist And all the scenes of nature he could explain And they would find there no mist. But one who opened his heart, Tried making good for poor folk He only planted hateful dark In souls by his amazing talk. Who wants to leave his home of pains And break all household in cruel way Letras de cancionesTo wath the dance of wind in plains It's better to take stranger far away. What happened to him only age knows He fell beneath the sky and holy ground But when the Moon is full the ghost shows Disturbing peace it wanders all around. He was, he is, he will be mighty The genius is a danger to the rest Impossible to live with this society And loneliness for genius is best. They are the children of awful nightmares, Their blood is poison that kills all the fairs Wise is who lives under transparent wall In the bright castle which is hated by all From Letras Mania