
The hour is late It took wielding blunted knives And still they butchered on It took every single strike To kill the god-like dog Mauled body stabbed to life Abhorrent theory of snuff Plundered and raped, left for decay Fractured, dismembered rack The hour was late The frozen sway of fate The time had come for blades to drop Blades to rip through wrists and pulse All hail Satan Invoke the master's goat All hail Satan Be at one with a hell Give the body to Satan Luciferian blood Give the blood to evil Give the heart to a feast Give him your eyes Letras de cancionesGive him your eyes Give him your eyes Give him your eyes The hour was late It took wielding blunted knives And still they butchered on It took every single life To feed the starving maw To feed the starving maw From Letras Mania