Becoming immortal is a cursed crusade A nemesis, leading to the blade The white citadel, they will have to find They need more than a lifetime not lose their minds Becoming immortal is a cursed crusade Only a fool could try it Voiceless and blind in the void! Only a fool could fight it Surrounded by the eternal stars ! Only a fool could still believe it All life will fall and rise N-I Somewhere in the vastness they'll shine M-H Becoming immortal is a cursed crusade Only a fool could try it Voiceless and blind in the void! Only a fool could fight it Surrounded by the eternal stars ! Only a fool could still believe it All life will fall and rise N-I Letras de cancionesSomewhere in the vastness they'll shine M-H In search of a new world In search of a new world The ship has been traveling for hundreds of years Carrying away the corruptible hearts of men The corruptible hearts of men Animated by avenging faith Leading them to the gates of madness and despair Where only destruction reigns For every star in the sky A human dream has faded As bright as these celestial lights are Darkness envelops the world For every dream that has faded A fire is lit in our hearts We'll carry these dreams beyond And beg forgiveness to our mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! On their knees they keep crawling Fleeing chaos they have started It's an endless burden I'll take it for you The consequence of our lifetime Becoming immortal is a cursed crusade A nemesis, leading to the blade The white citadel will never be find The NIMH is a grave for the mind From Letras Mania