
Great and terrible Such were the rumours of the storm approaching From beyond, the regions of serimosa, serimosa A scent from far Yes I can feel you are drawing near Approaching my senses, serimosa From worlds forgotten conjured forth To maim and possess me They say it will arrive before the end And that our hearts shall yearn That it will come with night That ancient neverlight To wash the world Serimosa, serimosa Violet and deep Bringer of evernight As you dance the world trembles They say it made its way through the nothingness Into this valley of despair Fearless through the aeons it has come to brand The seal of expiration Upon the flesh of man Bringer of both serum and disease, go forth Letras de cancionesImprisoned by illusion we shall be no more And thus again the fields were sown And scattered seeds replanted And so the devil is reborn Again and again and again To fuck the world Serimosa, serimosa Feverous one Til flames reaches heaven high To shine on the worlds ending To dance at the worlds ending To shine upon the world's end From Letras Mania