
Stave it off, don't let it get away The hold you had was ironclad, don't sway You take it just like a man, babe Scathing at the first sight of pain A link in that old chain Marlee's in the back just trying to maintain Her wind on the weather vane There's nothing here to gain But if you wanna buy a round, we might hang out Give us all something to talk about The myth won't love you like no other babe The myth will always be fair weather babe We do stupid things in the right way Spineless at abandon in vain A link in that old chain Lindsey's giving me a little faith about What tomorrow might bring There's nothing here to gain Allison always had a heavy disdain For every link in that old chain, chain, chain Ooooh You can't bluff or outsmart All reasons fall apart Yeah, the myth without struggle, babe It can't fill your heart From Letras Mania