Fall (The)

Say! Mmmmmm-uuuaahhh Say! Mmmmmm-uuuaaaah Say! Mmmmmm--uuuaaaah Monday night at operation control I sat facing rows of monitor mountains Mind control Life control Operation mind control My first is in car I'm easily bought, but still always short (Fly that over space beam) And round my way the people still do say Ridd-ler Ridd-ler And round these parts the people still impart Riddler! My second is in.. Zoooooooom! Say! Mmmmmm Letras de cancionesSay! Mmmmmm And round my way the people still do say Riddler! Round these parts the people still impart Ridd-ler Ridd-ler Third: slopes Fourth: (inverting within) Round my way the people still do say Riddler And round these parts the people still exclaim Ridd-ler And even now kids round our place say Riddler From Letras Mania