
The Chairman
Resignation of the chairman is routinethe scandal that surrounds him makes it impossiblethere is nothing that can get him cleanhe will wash his fingers until they will bleedRun away from his pastgotta know, there’s nothing that will lastI don’t see why the deal must be abusedHis mind probably got fusedLeaders do tend to use their powers so wrongHey there people stay strongThe scandal has delt a devastatingblow to their firmit seems no one can admit it(the) money makes you a germSomething has gone very wrongdo you know to whom it belongthey will suffer from the loss of fundsmandatory code of breaking lawsWe will go outside the system failedto nail us all at oncewe will rule the planet from todayLetras de cancionesno matter what you sayby the lordthey get flooredMake your votefor me I will entrustyour money and your lifeyou can not leave my boatuntil you dieThe scandal has delt a devastatingblow to their firmit seems no one can admit it(the) money makes you a germMake your votefor me I will entrustyour money and your lifeyou can not leave my boatuntil you die…until you die….Get me down is all there is to youI’m just a man you knewAnd now I’m dead….(The) chairman islike a deceaserun from polepole to polelike a tickhe is sickhas no cause in this worldrunning from(the) days that wherebest in lifewith a knifeon his neck(from) all the onesThe scandal has delt a devastatingblow to their firmit seems no one can admit it(the) money makes you a germThe scandal has delt a devastatingblow to their firmit seems no one can admit it(the) money makes you a germ From Letras Mania