Frankly modest speech dishonest eyes uponus like a vulture in the sky hovering carcass moulding earth filthy birth afterlife friction based upon fiction replacing friendship untrueness speculation concentration heresy is controlling us all this flagrant foul stench upon us overwhelming everybody like an imaginary forklife brother you point you finger as a scolding motherf*cker sucker blaming evil upon another under that pedestal you hold yourself so high above us i can't imagine what it's like to not a give a sh*t about nothin live the whole damn story led in motion peers are punished for their individuality separating us all i can't believe my friends would make such a lie even though it was i that dishonored your trust but it's done i can't change the past i am gonna make us last just believe in me and i'll show you that they're nothing true
From Letras Mania