Sesame Street

I, Grover
Some mornings I wake upI feel so good and newI find my socks myselfI put my shoes on tooThe feet are right, the feet are rightIs it not wonderful that the feet are right?I, Grover, am big and talland very smart and kind of cute and wonderfulI think that there is nothing I cannot doYou can get the feet right tooAnd then I go to eatThe cereal is not thereI see it on a shelfI climb up on a chairI get it down, I do not spillIs it not wonderful that I do not spill?[Chorus]I go outside and playI bouce a ball and thenI catch it right awayAnd bounce the ball againLetras de cancionesI stretch myself up tallI reach my arms out wideI climb up trees and I go down the slideAnd you can do it tooYes, you and you and youNow every brand new dayI get another turnIn every single waythere's more for me to learnIt feels so fine, I'm growing upIs it not wonderful that I'm growing up?Oh I, Grover, am big and talland very smart and kind of cute and wonderfulI think that there is nothing I cannot doAnd you and you and youare fine and growing tooYes, you are fine and growing too From Letras Mania