
Brethren, lend thy ear Listen to my tale How I discovered The secrets of runes I hung for nine full nights On the windswept tree Sacrificed to Odin Myself to myself Depraved of water And bread for strength Pierced by a spear Hangs the one-eyed This son of Bestla and Borr Threefold the highest is he Tyr of the hanged man Ruler of Asgard Father to the slayer of giants Once gave his eye, a sacrifice So he might drink from Mimir’s well To master poetry and wisdom There I hung from Yggdrasil’s branch Reached for the runes and screamed with all my might Letras de cancionesSuffered for wisdom, fell from the tree Magic of runes, strong and stout staves Fell from the tree Fell from the tree The highest of Aegir That in Asgard dwell But with this wisdom Come frightful visions Of the sailing of Naglfar And Loki’s son Unchained at last Marching in Surtr’s wake For the gods are doomed Once the branches burn From Letras Mania