Paul Whiteman

(spoken) There she comes. ????????????? Why, ain't that purdy? ??????????? like a regular cowhand. Whoa, dammit! Whoa! Mornin', Boys! Mornin' ?????????? Boys, I sure hate to be a-leavin' ya, but Dad's plum set on gettin' me a college education and a accent with a broad "a". Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! We're gonna miss ya, Durrell, sure 'nuf. ?????? it won't be the same without ya. Oh, cheer up, Frank, ya warble-jawed old horntoad. Come on, beat up! I'll harmonize with ya. Aw! Gimme a horse, a great big horse And gimme a buckaroo And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Aw! Gimme a ranch, a big pair of pants And gimme a stetson. too And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Gimme the wild open spaces For I'm just like a prairie flower I get me wilder every hour Aw! Gimme a moon, a prairie moon And gimme a man what's true And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! (spoken) Come here, Clem, ya lazy old probate. You ain't a-singin'. Aw! I never could sing a high class thing Good music I never knew But can ya Wah-Hoo? Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Oh, I never could dance, Folks, when I dance I ruin the lady's shoe But I can Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! It's just a gift from the prairie Ya shout it when a bad man jigs And it's surefire when yer callin' pigs Yeah, piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy, pig No, I never could ride a bucking horse That's something I never could do But I can Yipsey! Yipsey! Yippee! Just a Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Just a Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! Yippee! From Letras Mania