
Eternal Sorrow
When I'’ll die, my surrendered soul Shall descend to the dark realms of Hades To be judged by my ancient gods And the mighty king Minos Will step forward from the dark Silently to fix his gaze upon my mind’s eye His eyes like mirrors reflecting my whole past But he’ll hang his head in sorrow Tearful, he won’t bear the sight… For eternal sorrow has enveloped my soul Eternal sadness, opportunities lost To show you how I feel And so you will –just like everyone else- One day stand before the mighty judge Your soul full of hatred for the injustice done to you You thought you’d live forever His eyes like mirrors reflecting your whole past His head hung in sorrow…for he will be looking At a hideous, unbearable sight… For eternal apathy has withered your soul Eternal suffering has been brought upon me As I couldn’t show you how I feel Looking through the eyes of eternity at a failed past that can’t be undone; struggling to understand how I lost my hope; I turn to look behind me, but my Eurydice is not there any more…I allow myself to float on the waves of solitude; rebirth is not an option, so I must accept. The wind shall carry away the memories, but the eye of eternity has seen it all… From Letras Mania