When the heart and the blood start to slowWhen the nerves melt away like the snowThis infection runs its course through meSo much more than mere infirmityWhen the throat closes of its own willI can't laugh, I can't breathe, I am stillBe my healer; please don't leave me hereBeneath the storm cloud and heavy atmosphereSomeone find meSomeone cure meIf I'm not too sick to cureMedicate meModerate meSo that I can try once moreTried to sit up in bed, was too weakTried to form the right words, tried to speakI can listen and I can see a bitYou can touch me if you don't mind itTried to give to the world, only tookTried to keep courage strong, but it shookNever told you what it's like to shoutAnd sterile silence is all that comes out
From Letras Mania