Sun Airway

Shared Piano
You stole the ivoriesAnd you left me with the black keysOf our shared pianoIn our silver roomBut still your melodiesWell they haunt and haunt the reveryOf our shared pianoIn our silver roomI don't know where you goOh I swear you fade to the air like smokeYou bloom and you explodeYou bloom and you explode, and explode, and explode...I miss the majorsBut I'm taken with the minorsIn our shared pianoIn our silver roomBut still your quarter notesWell they hang around like little ghostsIn our shared pianoIn our silver roomI don't know where you goOh I swear you fade to the air like smokeYou bloom and you explodeI don't know where you standOh I swear you take off but you never landYou bloom and you explode, and explode, and explode... From Letras Mania