Exit Wounds
[FAREWELL]Today's a day that they knew could be coming,but it hurts the same anyway.The soldier is called to take part in the battle,but he's still just Dad for today.The table is set, the family is gatheredto send their father on his way.His country callsThe soldier that leads themis leaving to enter the fray.Farewell laughterFarewell to your boysFarewell daughterFarewell to your voiceFarewell fatherFarewell to you sonFarewell brother...until the war is done.What awaits, no one knowswhat war brings, time will show.All that's certain is the cause and the manAll are hurting for the price war demands.Letras de cancionesFarewell laughterFarewell to your boysFarewell daughterFarewell to your voiceFarewell fatherFarewell to you sonFarewell brother...until the war is done.What can be said when emotions run so high?There's a lump in his throat,and everyone he cares for is saying goodbye.Tomorrow he leaves for war,but that doesn't matter now.All that he cares aboutis enjoying this night somehow.But there's one who will suffermore than the rest.Yet she will still remain hopeful,she will still do her bestto raise their children to be worthyof the freedom they possess.And to understand the sacrificeof a soul whose blood is shed...What awaits, no one knowswhat war brings, time will show.All that's certain is the cause and the manAll are hurting for the price war demands.Farewell laughterFarewell to your boysFarewell daughterFarewell to your voiceFarewell fatherFarewell to you sonFarewell brother...until the war is done.[THE SOLDIER]Sailing far and awayfrom the place he wants to beBut his heart's still there,though his job is across the sea.His thoughts are of reflection,the way he used his timeThough his life was not perfection,the moments of regret were few to find.And somehow he knows that he won't be coming back.What he wonders the most is how his family will react.But now the battle draws near,pulls him away from the past.With a sigh he moves out,committed to lead the attack.Fear has left him and adrenaline surgesStraight ahead he sees the battlefield.The first explosion brings death closer.His mind is focused, his orders clear.Believing in freedom enough to give his life.As the moment of truth arrives,he's not afraid to fight.Taking down the enemy quickly,he fights alongside good companyWilling to die for their countryWilling to fight to keep men free.Believing in freedomenough to give his life.As the moment of truth arrives,he's not afraid to die.Bullets fill the air as thick as a smoke cloudThe cost of war lay spread across the groundNo one panics as the fighting turns fatalAt any moment the death toll could sound.Sudden pain strikes and he looks at himself!As he clutches his side he drops his gun.Collapsing in darkness, his eyes start to dim,and the next thing he knows, he is gone...Believing in freedom enough to give his life.As the moment of truth arrives,this is his time to die...[THE UNBELIEVER]Never again will I see his face - it's already lost from my memory.He's dead and gone, no sense in praying. No time is left for him to love me.He'll never see me become a man.He'll never see me do the best I can.My hope has already begun to fadeThere is no miracle to stop my rage.Dead and gone, no life after death.I don't believe - don't preach to me!Call me crazy but I just don't seeI think your beliefs are just fantasy.I've lost my dad and I don't know whyanyone would choose to fight and die.He left us here and I don't believethat war is worth the pain and grief.What comfort and peace can I have?Is there a way I can ease my mind?Those who claim in life beyondare just the blind leading the blind.He'll never be here to share my dreams,to give advice when life is bleak.I feel abandoned in my hour of need.My anger builds, another flame to feed.Dead and gone, no life after death.I don't believe - don't preach to me!Call me crazy but I just don't seeI think your beliefs are just fantasy.I've lost my dad and I don't know whyanyone would choose to fight and die.He left us here and I don't believethat war is worth the pain and grief.[DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL]Daddy's little girl...just a little girl now.The pain so unbearablethat she simply shuts down.She's sitting in the cornerNot a word will pass her mouthsince the news arrived.She's withdrawn into herself.So much crying, too much denyingHer delicate heart shattered,her frail emotions battered.The point of ruin so nearfor the child he held so dear.Can a girl so young survive the loss?Can her will rise up and bear this cross?Or for her, is all life's meaning lost?She cries herself to sleep,and sleep is all she wants.It's the only way for her to cope,her refuge from the storm.Staring at the ceiling,another day slips into night.As teardrops soak her pillow,his image fills her mind.So much crying, too much denying.Her delicate heart battered,her frail emotions shattered.The point of ruin so nearfor the child he held so dear.Can a girl so young survive the loss?Can her will rise up and bear this cross?Or for her, is all life's meaning lost?[THE BELIEVER]I believe that there's more than just this life,and I believe in my son's sacrifice.I can see why my boy would join the fight,and I can feel him looking down from the other side.There's no need for regret -he did what was right in his eyes.Why should I diminish his lifeby seeing his death in a negative light?There are many things that don't make sense,but I never dwell on them for long.I've fought in war and seen men fall,and I know that they're not really gone...If there's nothing to believe in,then life would have no reason.If faith is seeing blindly,then remove my sight from me.I'm unshaken...And when I falter,I'll work my way back to solid groundBecause I have conviction in the wisdom I have found.If there's nothing to believe in,then life would have no reason.And death would be so senselessfor everyone, not just my son.I'm decided...[WIDOWED]I can't accept that he's left my side.The days are long and the night leaves me terrified.Every morning I wake and put my best face on,but everything reminds me my best friend is gone.Please, God save me,and help me to see with unshaken faith.I want to believe.Show me that deathdoesn't mean that he's goneGive me a sign that there is life beyond.I can't find a reason to get out of bed.His last words to me are stuck in my head.I'd like to believe that I'll see him again.I'll try to keep hope that this isn't the end...Please, God save me,and help me to see with unshaken faith.I want to believe.Show me that deathdoesn't mean that he's goneGive me a sign that there is life beyond.In the dead of night, I wake up screamingfrom this nightmare that's become reality.I'm all mixed up inside and I can't reconcilebecause he's gone, but I believein what he was fighting for,In the light of day, I find strength insidebut I cannot hide the pain that's drowning me,drowning me...In the dead of night, I wake up screaming.In the light of day, I find some meaning.I'm all mixed up insideWhat was right has all gone wrong.And still my life will carry on,though I'm not sure what I'm fighting for...[THE SOLDIER ALIVE]I want to be the man my father was.And if I'm half that,I'd be a better man because...I would have faith.I would never lack love.for the people that surround meI could never give enough.And I'd see my freedomin the light that it's meant to shine.I'd see that nothing that surrounds meis gained without a price.I want to be the man he saw in me.And if I'm half that, I know that he will see.
From Letras Mania