May Baleen
A choir of coral coralled in the reefcaroused in the clink that allowed me to sleepand a feathery headdress weathered bybloodless predators, lest it was better than drowningalone out at see with a picture of youthinking of me as my lips turning blueclosed my eyes and thought of land, my dreamI like the nautical theme with my death though it seemslikened to a dream, a boat powered by steamgoing over a mountain swallowing childrendressed up like plankton, sucked in by baleenAnd the boat's engine is failingas baleen boats filter trailingsilt across the floorof the oceanWell, what did i see way out in the seamaybe a little too close swimming next to me, baleenmay baleencouldn't believe what i saw, it was attatched to the jawIt was sucking me in wanting to eat me raw with baleenWell what did i see way out in the seamaybe a little too close swimming next to me, baleenLetras de cancionesmay baleencouldn't believe what i saw, it was attatched to the jawIt was sucking me in wanting to eat me raw with baleenOh i swam, swam for so longtill I hit the keyand underneathunderneathwell I hid amogst the seaweedWell whatever i saw way out in the seakept my distance while i swam right up in the reefs from baleenmay baleencouldn't believe what i saw, it was attached the jawIt was sucking me in wanting to eat me raw with baleen
From Letras Mania