Letras de Symphony In Peril
- Perelandra letra
- For Now We See In A Mirror, Dimly But The Face To Face letra
- Stiletto letra
- Seduction By Design letra
- ...And She Was Drunk With The Blood Of The Saints letra
- Revolving Door Romance letra
- The Whore's Trophy I letra
- The Whore's Trophy II letra
- Waiting To Breathe letra
- This Flame Breeds Disbelief letra
- Inherent Scars letra
- Aborting The Fabricated letra
The Whores Trophy (2005)
- Shadow Over A Bleeding Heart letra
- Letting Go Would Be An End letra
- The Quotidian Succession letra
- Sifting Through These Ashes letra
- Beauty Forgotten letra
- Lament letra
- Unsteady Docks Along The Ohio letra
- Portrait letra
- Three Months letra
- Can One Possess Autumn? letra