Letras de Stereolab
- Outer Bongolia letra
- Intervals letra
- Barock-Plastik letra
- Nomus Et Phusis letra
- I Feel The Air (Of Another Planet) letra
- Household Names letra
- Retrograde Mirror Form letra
- Solar Throw-Away (Original Version) letra
- Pandora's Box Of Worms letra
- L'exotisme Interieur letra
- The Super It letra
- Jump Drive Shut-out letra
- Explosante Fixe letra
- Fried Monkey Eggs (Instrumental Version) letra
- Monkey Jelly letra
- B.u.a letra
- Free Witch And No Bra Queen letra
- Heavy Denim Loop, Pt. 2 letra
- Variation One letra
- Monkey Jelly (Beats) letra
- Dimension M2 letra
- Solar Throw-Away letra
- Calimero letra
- Fried Monkey Eggs (Vocal) letra
- Speck Voice letra
Electrically Possessed (Switched On, Vol. 4) (2021)
- Everybody's Weird Except Me letra
- Supha Jaianto letra
- So Is Cardboard Clouds letra
- Equivalences letra
- Lelekato Sugar letra
- Silver Sands letra
- Two Finger Symphony letra
- Delugeoisie letra
- Laserblast letra
- Sun Demon letra
- Aelita letra
- Pop Molecules (molecular Pop 2) letra
- Neon Beanbag letra
Not Music (2010)
- Neon Beanbag letra
- Three Women letra
- One Finger Symphony letra
- Chemical Chords letra
- The Ecstatic Static letra
- Valley Hi! letra
- Silver Sands letra
- Pop Molecule (molecular Pop 1) letra
- Self Portrait With Electric Brain letra
- Nous Vous Demandons Pardon letra
- Cellulose Sunshine letra
- Fractal Dream Of A Thing letra
- Daisy Click Clack letra
- Vortical Phonotheque letra
Chemical Chords (2008)
- Kybernetická Babièka Pt. 1 letra
- Interlock letra
- Eye Of The Volcano letra
- Plastic Mile letra
- Get A Shot Of The Refrigerator letra
- Visionary Road Maps letra
- Vodiak letra
- Whisper Pitch letra
- Excursions Into Oh, A-oh letra
- I Was A Sunny Rainphase letra
- Widow Weirdo letra
- Kybernetická Babièka Pt. 2 letra
Fab Four Suture (2006)
- Vonal Declosion letra
- Need To Be letra
- "...Sudden Stars" letra
- Cosmic Country Noir letra
- La Demeure letra
- Margerine Rock letra
- Man With 100 Cells, The letra
- Margerine Melodie letra
- Hillbilly Motobike letra
- Feel & Triple letra
- Bop Scotch letra
- Dear Marge letra
Margerine Eclipse (2004)
- Super-Electric letra
- Changer letra
- Doubt letra
- Difficult Fourth Title (Contact) letra
- Laisser-Faire letra
- Revox letra
- Peng! 33 letra
- John Cage Bubblegum letra
- Wow And Flutter letra
- Anémie letra
- Moogie Wonderland letra
- Heavy Denim letra
- French Disko letra
- Wow And Flutter letra
- Golden Ball letra
- Lo Boob Oscilator letra
- Untitled (Check And Double Check) letra
- The Pram Song (Seeperbold) letra
- International Colouring Contest letra
- Anamorphose letra
- Metronomic Underground letra
- Brigitte letra
- Spinal Column letra
- Tomorrow Is Already Here letra
- Yper-Sound, Les letra
- Heavenly Van Halen (Pinball) letra
- Cybele's Reverie letra
- Slow Fast Hazel letra
- Nothing To Do With Me letra
- Double Rocker letra
- Baby Lulu letra
- Naught More Terrific Than Man letra
ABC Music - The Radio 1 Sessions (2002)
- Black Ants In Sound Dust letra
- Spacemoth letra
- Captain Easychord letra
- Baby Lulu letra
- Black Arts, The letra
- Hallucinex letra
- Double Rocker letra
- Gus The Mynah Bird letra
- Naught More Terrific Than Man letra
- Nothing To Do With Me letra
- Suggestion Diabolique letra
- Bons Bons Des Raisons, Les letra
Sound-Dust (2001)
- Outer Bongolia letra
- Intervals letra
- Barock-Plastik letra
- Nomus Et Phusis letra
- I Feel The Air (Of Another Planet) letra
- Household Names letra
- Retrograde Mirror Form letra
First Of The Microbe Hunters, The (2000)
- Fuses letra
- People Do It All The Time letra
- Free Design, The letra
- Blips Drips And Strips letra
- Italian Shoes Continuum letra
- Infinity Girl letra
- Spiracles, The letra
- Op Hop Detonation letra
- Puncture In The Radax Permutation letra
- Velvet Water letra
- Blue Milk letra
- Caleidoscopic Gaze letra
- Strobo Acceleration letra
- Emergency Kisses, The letra
- Come And Play In The Milky Night letra
Cobra and Phases Group Play Voltage in the Milky Night (1999)
- Miss Modular letra
- Cybele's Reverie letra
- Fluorescences letra
- Wow And Flutter letra
- Lo Boob Oscilator letra
- Ping Pong letra
- Parsec letra
- Pop Quiz letra
- Metronomic Underground letra
- Check And Double Check letra
- Moogie Wonderland letra
- Super-Electric letra
- Pack Yr Romantic Mind letra
- Slow Fast Hazel letra
- Avant Garde M.O.R. letra
Stereolab (East West Japan sampler) (1998)
- Pop Quiz letra
- Extension Trip, The letra
- How To Play Your Internal Organs Overnight letra
- Brush Descends the Length, The letra
- Melochord Seventy-Five letra
- Space Moment letra
- Iron Man letra
- The Long Hair Of Death letra
- You Used To Call Me Sadness (lissys version) letra
- New Orthophony (full version) letra
- Speedy Car letra
- Golden Atoms letra
- Ulan Bator letra
- One Small Step letra
- One Note Samba / Surfboard letra
- Cadriopo letra
- Klang Tone letra
- Get Carter letra
- 1000 Miles An Hour letra
- Percolations letra
- Seeperbold letra
- Check And Double Check letra
- Munich Madness letra
- Metronomic Underground (Wagon Christ Mix) letra
- Incredible He Woman, The letra
Aluminum Tunes (1998)
- Brakhage letra
- Miss Modular letra
- Flower Called Nowhere, The letra
- Diagonals letra
- Prisoner Of Mars letra
- Rainbo Conversation letra
- Refractions In The Plastic Pulse letra
- Parsec letra
- Ticker Tape Of The Unconscious letra
- Contronatura letra
Dots And Loops (1997)
- Metronomic Underground letra
- Cybele's Reverie letra
- Percolator letra
- Yper-Sound, Les letra
- Spark Plug letra
- OLV 26 letra
- Noise of Carpet, The letra
- Tomorrow Is Already Here letra
- Emperor Tomato Ketchup letra
- Monstre Sacre letra
- Motoroller Scalatron letra
- Slow Fast Hazel letra
- Anonymous Collective letra
Emperor Tomato Ketchup (1996)
- Harmonium letra
- Lo Boob Oscilator letra
- Mountain letra
- Revox letra
- French Disko letra
- Exploding Head Movie letra
- Eloge D'Eros letra
- Tone Burst (Country) letra
- Animal Or Vegetable (A Wonderful Wooden Reason) letra
- John Cage Bubblegum letra
- Sadistic letra
- Farfisa letra
- Tempter letra
Refried Ectoplasm (1995)
- Pop Quiz letra
- Extension Trip, The letra
- How To Play Your Internal Organs Overnight letra
- Brush Descends the Length, The letra
- Melochord Seventy-Five letra
- Space Moment letra
- Untitled letra
Music For the Amorphous Body Study Center (1995)
- Three-Dee Melodie letra
- Wow And Flutter letra
- Transona Five letra
- Des Etoiles Electroniques letra
- Ping Pong letra
- Anamorphose letra
- Three Longers Later letra
- Nihilist Assault Group letra
- International Colouring Contest letra
- Stars Our Destination, The letra
- Transporté Sans Bouger letra
- Enfer Des Formes, Le letra
- Outer Accelerator letra
- New Orthophony letra
- Fiery Yellow letra
Mars Audiac Quintet (1994)
- Tone Burst letra
- Our Trinitone Blast letra
- Pack Yr Romantic Mind letra
- I'm Going Out Of My Way letra
- Golden Ball letra
- Pause letra
- Jenny Ondioline letra
- Analogue Rock letra
- Crest letra
- Lock-Groove Lullaby letra
Transient Random Noise Bursts With Announcements (1993)
- Avant Garde M.O.R. letra
- Space Age Bachelor Pad Music (Mellow) letra
- Groop Play Chord X, The letra
- Space Age Bachelor Pad Music (Foamy) letra
- Ronco Symphony letra
- We're Not Adult Oriented letra
- U.H.F. - MFP letra
- We're Not Adult Oriented (Neu Wave Live) letra
The Groop Played Space Age Bachelor Pad Music (1992)
- Super-Electric letra
- Doubt letra
- Au Grand Jour' letra
- Way Will Be Opening, The letra
- Brittle letra
- Contact letra
- Au Grand Jour letra
- High Expectation letra
- Light That Will Cease To Fail, The letra
- Changer letra
Switched On Stereolab (1992)
- Super Falling Star letra
- Peng! 33 letra
- K-Stars letra
- Perversion letra
- You Little Shits letra
- Seeming and the Meaning, The letra
- Mellotron letra
- Enivrez-Vous letra
- Stomach Worm letra
- Surrealchemist letra