Letras de Smut Peddlers
- Beetlejuice Intro letra
- Smut Council letra
- Medicated Minutes letra
- Talk Like Sex Part 2 letra
- Amazing Feats letra
- Pimpology letra
- That Smut letra
- Anti Hero's letra
- 54 letra
- Josie letra
- Beats, Boxes, And Boobtube letra
- Diseases letra
- One By One (Revamped) letra
- Stank Mc's letra
- My Rhyme Ain't Done letra
- Bottom Feeders letra
- Beetlejuice Outakes letra
Porn Again (2001)
- Back From The Pad letra
- For The Record letra
- That Smut (German Remix) letra
- The Hole Repertoire letra
- The Red Light letra