Letras de Morgion
- Cloaked By Ages letra
- A Slow Succumbing letra
- Ebb Tide (Parts I & II) letra
- The Mourner's Oak letra
- Trillium Rune letra
- Cairn letra
- She, The Master Covets letra
- Crowned In Earth letra
Cloaked By Ages, Crowned In Earth (2004)
- The Serpentine Scrolls / Descent To Arawn letra
- Canticle letra
- Solinari letra
- Nightfall Infernal letra
- All The Glory...All The Loss letra
- Blight letra
- ...The Last Sunrise letra
Solinari (1999)
- Relic Of A Darkened Past letra
- In Ashen Tears (Thus I Cry) letra
- Travesty letra
- Basking Under A Blacksun Dawning letra
- Invalid Prodigy letra
Among Majestic Ruin (1997)
- Intro letra
- Drowning In Sorrow letra
- I, The Skeptic letra
- In The Process letra
- Gothic Decorum letra
- Encased In Glass letra