Letras de The Mighty Boosh
- "The Crimp" letra
- 4 way crimp in the crimp off letra
- Ape Of Death letra
- Archiology Boy (Live Tour '06) letra
- Bouncy Bouncy letra
- Call of the Yeti letra
- Calm A Llama Down letra
- Calmallamadown letra
- Charlie letra
- Cheese Song letra
- Clockwork Magaret letra
- Clockwork Margaret letra
- DJ Snake letra
- Do You Love Me? letra
- Eels letra
- El Sonido Nuevo letra
- Electro Boy letra
- Electronic Future Funk (future sailors live) letra
- Fossil Rap letra
- Four Way Crimp letra
- Future Sailors letra
- Hello Little Deer letra
- Hippy Nonsense letra
- Honey Monster Crimp (future sailors live) letra
- Howard's Freak Song letra
- I Did a Shit on your Mom letra
- Ice Flo letra
- Ice Flow (Johny Frostbite) letra
- Isolation letra
- It's What's Inside that Counts letra
- Jean Claude Jackette [From Boosh Live 2006] letra
- Jean Claude Jaquettie letra
- Listen To Your Heart letra
- Love Games letra
- Married On The Morrow letra
- Michael Collins (future sailors live) letra
- Milky Joe & The Coconuts letra
- Mutants letra
- Naboo & Bollo (future sailors live) letra
- Naboo's Song (Live Tour '06) letra
- Naboolio (Live Tour 2006) letra
- Nanageddon letra
- Nanageddon - Vince and Howard's song feat. Nanatoo & Tony Harisson letra
- Pelt The Rabbit (The Mighty Boosh Tour, Live '06) letra
- Rudi's Quest letra
- Sea Funk letra
- Searching For The New Sound letra
- Soup Song letra
- Spanish Man letra
- Spider Lovin' letra
- Stickleback letra
- Sunflash (future sailors live) letra
- The 4way Crimp letra
- The Chosen One letra
- The Crimp letra
- The Crimp letra
- The Hitcher Song letra
- The Jigsaw Times letra
- The Moon's Song letra
- The Pancake Song letra
- The Soup Song letra
- The Tundra Rap letra
- Time Is Calling My Name letra
- Title Song letra
- Trapped In A Box letra
- Trapped In Cabinets letra
- Tundra Rap letra
- Twisteroony letra