Letras de Grey Daze
- Saturation (Strange Love) letra
- Starting To Fly letra
- Be Your Man letra
- Holding You letra
- Hole letra
- Drag letra
- Believe Me letra
- Anything, Anything letra
- Spin letra
- Wake Me letra
The Phoenix (2022)
- Sickness letra
- Sometimes letra
- What's In The Eye letra
- The Syndrome letra
- In Time letra
- Just Like Heroin letra
- B12 letra
- Soul Song letra
- Morei Sky letra
- She Shines letra
- Shouting Out letra
Amends (2020)
- B*12 letra
- B12 letra
- Carousel letra
- H0ldiNg Y0u letra
- H0lE letra
- HEre NEarbY letra
- Here, Nearby letra
- In Time letra
- Just Like Heroin (A Little Down) letra
- Kill The Flies letra
- Morei Sky letra
- N0 SUn T0day letra
- S0mEtimEs letra
- SAturAti0n letra
- Saturation letra
- Sh0utiNg 0ut letra
- ShE ShiNes letra
- Shouting Out letra
- SiCkNess letra
- Sometimes letra
- Soul Song letra
- STartiNg T0 FLy letra
- The Down Syndrome letra
- The Morning After letra
- What's In The Eye letra
- What's In The Eye? letra