Letras de A Bullet For Pretty Boy
- Red Medic letra
- Forgiven Not Forgotten letra
- Come Clean letra
- White Noise letra
- Illumination letra
- The Grateful Prey letra
- De(v)tails letra
- Reptilian Tongue letra
- Obstruct letra
- Self-disclosure letra
Symbiosis (2012)
- The Deciever letra
- Revision: Revise letra
- Decisions letra
- Patterns letra
- Only Time Will Tell letra
- Voices & Vessels letra
- Tides letra
- Windows letra
- Vita Nova letra
- I Will Destroy The Wisdome Of The Wise letra
Revision: Revise (2010)
- Dial M For Murder letra
- Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica letra
- The Hope I Confide In letra
- And Still You Chose Surrender letra
- Pale Horse letra
- Beauty In The Eyes Of The Beholder letra