- Orden alfabético (Volver a las letras de Solex en orden de album)
- A Round Figure letra
- Another Tune Like "not Fade Away letra
- Athens, Ohio letra
- Cayenne letra
- Chris The Birthday Boy letra
- Comely Row letra
- Dork At 12 O'clock letra
- Drenthe letra
- Ease Up You Fundamentalist! letra
- Escargot! letra
- Five Star Shamberg letra
- Flevoland letra
- Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like An Egyptian letra
- Friesland letra
- Gelderland letra
- Good Comrades Go To Heaven letra
- Groningen letra
- Have You No Shame Girl letra
- Honey (Amsterdam Is Not L.A!) letra
- Honkey Donkey letra
- Hot Diggity Dog Run Run Run letra
- Knee-high letra
- Limburg letra
- Look ... No Fingerprints! letra
- Low Kick And Hard Bop letra
- Mere Imposters letra
- My B-sides Rock Your World letra
- Noord Brabant letra
- Noord Holland letra
- Not A Hoot! letra
- Oh Blimey! letra
- Oh Cripes! letra
- Ololo letra
- On An Ordinary Day letra
- One Louder Solex letra
- Overijssel letra
- Peppy Solex letra
- Pick Up letra
- Randy Costanza letra
- Santa Monica ( Kissing A Man With A Beard ) letra
- Shoot Shoot! letra
- Snappy & Cocky letra
- Solex All Licketysplit letra
- Solex By Rolex letra
- Solex Feels Lucky letra
- Solex For A While letra
- Solex In A Slipshow Style letra
- Solex Is Barely Dressed letra
- Solex West letra
- Solex' Snag letra
- Some Solex letra
- Superfluity letra
- Take That Gum Out ! letra
- That'll Be $22.95 letra
- That's What You Get With People Like That On Cruises Like These... letra
- The Boxer letra
- The Burglars Are Coming!!! letra
- The Dot On The I Between The H And The T letra
- The Showmaster letra
- There's A Solex On The Run letra
- Utrecht letra
- Waking Up With Solex letra
- When Solex Just Stood There letra
- Yadda Yadda Yadda No. 1 letra
- You Say Potato, I Say Aardappel letra
- You're Ugly letra
- You've Got Me letra
- Zeeland letra
- Zuid Holland letra