- Orden alfabético (Volver a las letras de Milwaukee Children's Choir en orden de album)
- 'Ulili E (The Sandpiper) letra
- Ach, Du Lieber Augustin (The More We Get Together) letra
- Aeyaya Balano Sakkad (Come, Children) letra
- Alleluia letra
- America, My Homeland letra
- Backwater Blues letra
- Bella Bimba (Pretty Girl) letra
- Chorus of Villagers letra
- Early in the Morning at Eight O'Clock letra
- Egy veg Alma (One Jar of Apples) letra
- En Roulant Ma Boule (As I Roll My Ball) letra
- Gong Xi Fa Cai letra
- Happy Talk letra
- I Got Shoes letra
- I Saw the Light letra
- J'Entends le Moulin (I Hear the Windmill) letra
- Jikel' Emaweni (Throw It Down the Slope) letra
- John Kanaka letra
- Jordan's Angels letra
- Just One Planet letra
- L' Inverno Gi Passato (Winter Is Over) letra
- La Cloche (The Clock) letra
- Lean on Me letra
- Let's Go Driving letra
- Library Song letra
- London Bridge letra
- Mbombela (The Train Comes) letra
- Mein Hut (My Hat) letra
- Moon and Me letra
- My Mama's Calling Me letra
- Nampaya Omame letra
- No Despiertes a Mi Nio (Do Not Wake My Little Son) letra
- O, I'm Gonna Sing letra
- O, La Le! letra
- O, The Train's Off the Track letra
- Old Woman and the Pig letra
- Sansa Kroma (Little Hawk) letra
- Sheep Shearing letra
- Shepherd, Shepherd letra
- Ship Ahoy letra
- Simon Says letra
- Somebody's Knockin' at Your Door letra
- Sound the Trumpet letra
- The Marvelous Toy letra
- The Minuteman Minute Song letra
- There's No Hidin' Place letra
- Wake Up the Sun letra
- What a Wonderful World letra
- Willum letra