- Orden alfabético (Volver a las letras de Big Dumb Face en orden de album)
- Asshole letra
- Blood Red Head letra
- Blood Red Head On Fire letra
- Burgalveist letra
- Count Her Fit letra
- Duke Lion letra
- Fightin' Stance letra
- Grease Job 3.4 letra
- Greasejob 3.4 letra
- It's Right In Here letra
- Kali Is The Sweethog letra
- Might Penus Laser letra
- Mighty Penus Laser letra
- Munchkin War Song letra
- Naughty Boy letra
- Organ Splitter letra
- Rebel letra
- Ride The Snake letra
- Robot letra
- Space Adventure letra
- Summer Gold letra
- Voices In The Hall letra
- Voices In The Wall letra