Otras canciones
- Anesthetic Nothin' letra
- Chatter Teeth letra
- First Photos letra
- First Photos (Reminiscent) letra
- Guts letra
- I Spilled My Brain letra
- Malfunction letra
- Melancholy letra
- Mental Vessel letra
- Mercury Fetus letra
- Mr. Menutia letra
- Nixon & Cohorts letra
- OCD letra
- OK (I Am Only Here To Make Sisyphus Happy) letra
- Safire Wants Gold letra
- Schizophrenic Lullaby letra
- She Gave Me Water letra
- Studio Audience Killed Me letra
- The Fine, pts. 1 & 2 letra
- The Salinger Superbowl letra
- Tranquility Base? letra
- Transform to Milkshakes letra
- Turkey In The Space letra
- Why Anyone Would letra
- You Funk My Battleship letra Volver a las letras de Zanois