Cumplete (2002)
- Ditchpig letra
- Jesus Sold Me A Bunk Eigth letra
- Mary Had A Little Clam letra
- Crucifixion Must Hurt Like A Bitch letra
- Vaginal Bloodfarts letra
- Jesus Was A Face-Painter letra
- I Had To Break Up With Your Mom letra
- In The Sea Of Heavy Metal, You Are Plankton letra
- Let's Pretend I'm The Pope letra
- Jesus Was An Angry Drunk letra
- God Owes Me Money letra
- Phlegm Phlagm letra
- Jehova Probe letra
- Yaweh Is My Mom letra
- Ripping At The Flesh Of Jesus Christ letra
- I Spell God C.U.N.T. letra
- Battery Acid Enema letra
- My Toothless Bitch letra Volver a las letras de Cumchrist